Sunday, February 28, 2010

Knives and their Ability to Cut

Allow three days to heal before you attempt to reopen wounds. Let the blood bleed out and harden. Keep the scab visible and out in the open. If the cut happens to be located in an area that makes one blush, please by all means, adorn oneself with regular garb. Scissors or a box cutter will do. Remove an inch of cloth or two inches if need be. Just maintain innocence and keep the wound in sight. If kept hidden, the wound runs the risk of being forgotten and this will do irreversible damage. If the wound happens to be worse than the wounds prior, allow six to eight days to heal before you attempt to reopen. This will allow for maximum dramatic effect. Associates and acquaintances will view this wound and ask what happened. Assuming of course you have associates and acquaintances to share in your discomfort. If you do not, take an adequate number of photographs. I would advise against a cellphone camera, as the detail will not be as detailed as it could be. Print out copies, generally the size recommended is 8x11. Tell everyone you meet, strangers or customers (depending on your place of employment) what happened and who did this to you or how you did this to yourself. Negligence on whose end? Inform the person. Details are appreciated.

If a wound occurs on a spot previously known for wounds to occur, please without hesitation, move across the room. Stay away from the object that inflicted this wound. A distance of at least ten feet must be maintained at all times. I cannot or I will not stress this enough. Steel sharpens steel or something like that. This is an utter lie. The lie will be spoken from the object. They will say with complete confidence that their blade isn’t as sharp as it was before. Again, an utter lie. The blade will cut deep, if not deeper than you remember. The knife disregards your skin’s ability to be lacerated. Stay away from knives my friend. You do not need them. You do not need any of them. If a distance of at least ten feet cannot be maintained, you are damned. Relocate to another apartment.

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